About Us
Panel supports an end to all military action in Palestine. We endorse the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI).
Panel is a curatorial arts organisation led by Catriona Duffy and Lucy McEachan. Based in Glasgow, we create projects about design and making in relation to particular histories, archives and collections. We commission and collaborate with artists, designers and makers to produce new work, often in partnership with local industry.
Uncovering and layering material from public and private archives and collections, our projects subjectively examine, through design and making, the dynamic ways in which alternative viewpoints and perspectives can be presented and recast through culture. Across Scotland, in both urban and rural places, we are committed to finding spaces beyond the traditionally cultural, from gym hall to swimming pool to factory floor, in order to present exhibitions, events and publishing all closely connected to their site.
We also offer product development, research, curation, production and support to venues and other organisations through consultancy. This work connects to our commissioning programme and allows Panel to extend our reach beyond our home in Glasgow.

Our Work
Since 2010 Panel has led and inspired a critical space for design in Scotland, commissioning and producing innovative cultural projects that engage designers and public audiences, and making connections with practitioners and institutions whose work extends into visual arts, craft and other cultural contexts and frameworks. Our work been delivered in partnership with cultural venues, local authorities, museums, archives, galleries, local and international cultural festivals, community and retail spaces and academia.
Our Advocacy
We advocate to wide and diverse audiences about the transformational power of design and making through our projects, as members of the Scottish Craft Development Network and as custodians of MAKE: a Manifesto for Craft in Scotland.
We share what we learn through publications, talks and events and through the voices of other people, via their blogs, events, talks, seminars and symposia. More about our learning, conversations and news can be found in our Journal.

Who We Are
Panel is a not-for-profit Community Interest Company and we receive regular funding from Creative Scotland.
The current team at Panel is:
Catriona Duffy, Co-director
Lucy McEachan, Co-director
Laura Richmond, Freelance project co-ordinator (currently on maternity leave)
Across our projects, Panel works with a wide range of freelance collaborators and consultants to help us research, develop and deliver our programme with care.

Graphic Identity
Panel’s graphic identity was handmade by artist Mick Peter using plywood, panel pins and plastic.
At once both a sculpture and a logo, it reflects our interest in the interplay between material culture and digital graphic design communication, capturing the individual personality of a signature.