
Monuments, Hanging Mobile
Alan Dimmick with Flensted Mobiles
Commissioned by Panel exclusively for Collective Matter, Monuments is hanging mobile made in collaboration with Danish company Flensted Mobiles. A series of portraits of Calton Hill by photographer Alan Dimmick draw attention to transitory moments and personal souvenir images captured by visitors to the hill amongst monuments to Edinburgh’s history.
Materials: Postcards, plastic clips, thread and wire
Made in Denmark
This product is available to purchase on the Collective Matter website.

Reading List T-Shirt: Our Bodies Ourselves
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: The Living Mountain
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: Woman on the Edge of Time
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: The Politics of Housework
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: Sisterhood is Powerful
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: A Room of One’s Own
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: The Driver’s Seat
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing

Reading List T-Shirt: The Color Purple
Kaisa Lassinaro and Maeve Redmond with Bar One Clothing